Guidelines for Testing for MA 242.601 and MA 242.651


The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a change in the way tests will be administered this summer session.  Here is an outline of the testing procedure.


1.    All tests will be open-book and open-notes.  You should not use a computer or hand calculator for the test, other than using your computer to consult the textbook.

2.    There will be a 2-day window for taking each of the 4 regular tests and a 2-day window for taking the final exam.  The schedule for testing is shown at the link here.

3.    On the first day of each 2-day window I will email the test to the class as a pdf.

4.    After hand-writing your solutions to the test, you will need to photograph or scan your pages and then combine them into a single .pdf. 

5.    You will have until 11:59 p.m. (just before midnight) on the second day of the 2-day window to submit your .pdf file to moodle at

6.    There is no time limit on how much time you may spend on each test, except you cannot work past the due date/time.


This procedure has worked for me during the spring semester and I foresee no problems this 10-week summer session.